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All student learning is graded on a letter basis. Any student receiving an “incomplete” grade will be given up to sixteen weeks to complete the assignment. Any student receiving a “D” grade or below is responsible for creating a plan for improving his/her grade with his/her faculty. Student performance is evaluated by examinations, attendance, classroom participation, special projects, seminars, research works, etc. The School uses the traditional scale grading system for all examinations and final grades.


Grade Grade Point (Remarks)
A 4.00
A- 3.75
B+ 3.25
B 3.00
B- 2.75
C+ 2.25
C 2.00
C- 1.75
D+ 1.25
D 1.00
D- 0.75
F 0.00
P* 0.0 (Pass)
NP* 0.0 (No Pass)
I* 0.0 (Incomplete)
W* 0.0 (Withdrawal)
R* 0.0 (Repeated Course)
IP* 0.0 (In Progress)

These grades are not included in the calculation of the student’s GPA.

* Master programs: D and F (Failed Courses) = 0 points

MBA programMinimum Passing Grade is a C. Only those graduate level courses in which a student earns the equivalent of a 2.0 or better may be applied toward the total number of credits required for graduation.


The grade of “P” is used to denote “Pass” when no letter grade is given. This grade is assigned to a grade of C or better for undergraduate and a grade of B or better for graduate students. The “P” grade is not included in the GPA.


The grade of “NP” is used to denote “No Pass” when no letter grade is given. The “NP” grade is not included in the calculation of the GPA.


The faculty may assign the “I” grade when work is of passing quality but is incomplete for good cause. Assigning an “I” is at the discretion of the faculty, who is not obligated to do so. If faculty issues a grade of “I,” the remaining coursework must be finished by the last day of the next semester (fall, summer, spring). If the course is not completed, the “I” will automatically lapse to an “F”. It is the student’s responsibility to discuss with the faculty the conditions and time frame for completing the course by the next term. The student is not to re-enroll in the course again unless the student receives an “F”. The grade of “Incomplete” will be marked on the transcript until the final grade is complete. However, it will not be calculated into the GPA. Once the completed grade is reported to the Registrar, the grade is posted and the final grade is averaged into the cumulative GPA.


Students may withdraw from courses during the first two weeks after classes begin without affecting their grade point average. Students thereafter are required to obtain a permit from the Department Chair to withdraw. Withdrawal from enrolled classes after the first two weeks with the proper withdrawal procedure will result in a “W” grade recorded in the official transcript. No withdrawals are permitted during the final three weeks of instruction, except in cases such as accidents or serious illness. A grade of “I” will be automatically entered in the grade report if the student does not attend the final three weeks of class without being excused. Withdrawal grades are not included in the GPA. A refund of tuition, if any, will be made in accordance with the Refund Policy.

International students on F-1 Visas should check with the Administrator of Student Services before withdrawing from a class which could potentially place them below full-time status or risk violating their legal status.


Any undergraduate course in which a grade of C- or below or any graduate course in which a grade of B- or below earned can be repeated once. The second grade, for better or worse, is calculated into the cumulative and term grade point average (GPA).

Important Additional Restrictions

  1. Students may repeat the same course only
  2. Students may receive credit hours for a repeated course only
  3. Undergraduate students will not receive credit for a course repeated after they have completed a more advanced course in the same sequence with a grade of C or
  4. Graduate students will not receive credit for a course repeated after they have completed a more advanced course in the same sequence with a grade of B or

It is the recommendation of the School for students to consult with the Chief Academic Officer if they have any questions about repeating courses.